The Year of CP - Wrap Up Edition
So it's New Year's Eve in a few days, a time for some introspection and retrospection! I was thinking back to February, when I declared 2009 "The Year of CP" and threw out a bunch of goals for myself. I haven't accomplished all I set out to, but I'm happy with my progress.
I said last year that I'd pay more attention to my blog, instead of Facebook, and I didn't do it. I'm going to re-double my efforts, as I really like the permanence of the blog. Facebook is very "fire and forget it", so not a lot of thought goes into what I say there. It's great for keeping tabs on each other, but not so great for the "personal journal" bit...
I've kept up my doctor visits and joined a gym, but then broke a bone in my foot and quit going for a while. I started back up a week ago, and am going to hit that harder in 2010. My doctor is pretty happy, which I take as a good sign.
I've done a lot this year in putting my own needs first. That does NOT mean that I always do it, I don't think I'd like myself much if I did. What it means, though, is that I always think about myself first, and weigh that when making the decision. Sometimes, I'll still "take one for the team", but it's a calculated decision.
On the "stress" front, I left the Board of Directors for one of the non-profits I was working with. The day I wrote my letter of resignation, a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. At that point, I took up bowling and played Summer League with my fellow "Furious Fezzes of Fury" in the local darts league. I got a saltwater aquarium, which is a lot of work. It's "good" work, though. In these and other ways, I've made more time for me, and feel a lot better for having done so.
I have continued to reconnect with old friends, made some new friends, and severed ties with some folks that were just bad for me. It's always tough to decide you can't be close to someone anymore, especially when it's someone you would really like to stay near. The decisions I've made have made a difference, and I can see that they were necessary. I still hope that some of those people will grow up and see that our friendship was worthwhile and was something that should have been more reciprocal and less one-sided. I learned a long time ago to always leave the door open and, with one exception, I would welcome all of these folks back into my life.
I opened myself up to some new possibilities this year, trying new things and not making excuses to avoid them. I even went on vacation alone (pathetic? Nah. Relaxing!) We'll see how that turns out as I go forward, it's a "work in progress".
The house was one of my bigger disappointments in 2009, but I think I may have tried to do too much too fast. The kitchen is still only half-done, the bathroom has had no more work done. In December, though, I started a stem-to-stern cleaning of the house that will culminate with the hiring of housekeepers. I work weird hours, and lots of them, and just don't get around to things like cleaning the windows and floors, dusting, etc. and that just snowballs. With someone helping out with those things, I'll be able to eat at the house, have people over, etc. and I think it'll pay for itself in short order. I ordered a dining room table and chairs that will be delivered in a week or so, and have someone coming to give me a quote on new kitchen cabinets and counters. I'll have to cut some corners to pay for it, but it's something I know I need to do.
So, all in all, 2009 was great. It was great because I set out at the beginning of the year to take care of myself, my family, and my friends first, and to put everything else in line after that. The end result was a happier, healthier CP that was probably easier to be around sometimes. This year, I'd like to do another cruise, may hit Vegas for purely recreational reasons, and am planning to make a road trip to Atlanta with stops in Shreveport coming and going. I'll keep you apprised!
Come to think of it, I think that EVERY year is going to be "The Year of CP" from now on...
I said last year that I'd pay more attention to my blog, instead of Facebook, and I didn't do it. I'm going to re-double my efforts, as I really like the permanence of the blog. Facebook is very "fire and forget it", so not a lot of thought goes into what I say there. It's great for keeping tabs on each other, but not so great for the "personal journal" bit...
I've kept up my doctor visits and joined a gym, but then broke a bone in my foot and quit going for a while. I started back up a week ago, and am going to hit that harder in 2010. My doctor is pretty happy, which I take as a good sign.
I've done a lot this year in putting my own needs first. That does NOT mean that I always do it, I don't think I'd like myself much if I did. What it means, though, is that I always think about myself first, and weigh that when making the decision. Sometimes, I'll still "take one for the team", but it's a calculated decision.
On the "stress" front, I left the Board of Directors for one of the non-profits I was working with. The day I wrote my letter of resignation, a HUGE weight lifted off my shoulders. At that point, I took up bowling and played Summer League with my fellow "Furious Fezzes of Fury" in the local darts league. I got a saltwater aquarium, which is a lot of work. It's "good" work, though. In these and other ways, I've made more time for me, and feel a lot better for having done so.
I have continued to reconnect with old friends, made some new friends, and severed ties with some folks that were just bad for me. It's always tough to decide you can't be close to someone anymore, especially when it's someone you would really like to stay near. The decisions I've made have made a difference, and I can see that they were necessary. I still hope that some of those people will grow up and see that our friendship was worthwhile and was something that should have been more reciprocal and less one-sided. I learned a long time ago to always leave the door open and, with one exception, I would welcome all of these folks back into my life.
I opened myself up to some new possibilities this year, trying new things and not making excuses to avoid them. I even went on vacation alone (pathetic? Nah. Relaxing!) We'll see how that turns out as I go forward, it's a "work in progress".
The house was one of my bigger disappointments in 2009, but I think I may have tried to do too much too fast. The kitchen is still only half-done, the bathroom has had no more work done. In December, though, I started a stem-to-stern cleaning of the house that will culminate with the hiring of housekeepers. I work weird hours, and lots of them, and just don't get around to things like cleaning the windows and floors, dusting, etc. and that just snowballs. With someone helping out with those things, I'll be able to eat at the house, have people over, etc. and I think it'll pay for itself in short order. I ordered a dining room table and chairs that will be delivered in a week or so, and have someone coming to give me a quote on new kitchen cabinets and counters. I'll have to cut some corners to pay for it, but it's something I know I need to do.
So, all in all, 2009 was great. It was great because I set out at the beginning of the year to take care of myself, my family, and my friends first, and to put everything else in line after that. The end result was a happier, healthier CP that was probably easier to be around sometimes. This year, I'd like to do another cruise, may hit Vegas for purely recreational reasons, and am planning to make a road trip to Atlanta with stops in Shreveport coming and going. I'll keep you apprised!
Come to think of it, I think that EVERY year is going to be "The Year of CP" from now on...
At 12/28/2009 9:36 AM ,
Suzanne said...
You're an inspiration to me Chris. I spend way too much of my time going with the flow, letting life happen to me. You're right that some people are just bad influences and/or not really friends, and our lives are better without them. It feels harsh and sometimes we hurt feelings when we sever those ties, but in the end, will they be there for you? No. So I think I'll be doing a little of the same for 2010: take an active part in who is around me and who is not, don't do things that are too much for me but do the things I really need/ want to do, and weigh every decision on how it affects me. That one is a toughie!!
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