CP's Blog of Doom

The King of Town's very own blog!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Week...

Jack wasn't doing as well yesterday morning, but I'd hoped he would perk back up. By bedtime, midnight around here, he was about the same. At 2AM, though, he woke me up. He was out in the hallway, crying for help. I found him, and knew it was time. I took him to the ER, and they put him to sleep about 2:30.

Sally and I already miss him terribly, she walks from room to room calling him. I'm upset, but I'm also very grateful. Everyone's happy thoughts and prayers bought me an extra week with him. Until yesterday, he was pretty close to normal, sitting in front of the fireplace, coming to bed each night, or sitting in my lap while I worked or watched TV. The end came while I was at home and able to take him straight to the vet, instead of while I was away at work all day. That's a blessing all its own, and one I won't ignore.

Thanks again to everyone that called or emailed, it really did help.



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