CP's Blog of Doom

The King of Town's very own blog!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

I don't need another cat... I don't need another cat...

I MEAN it, I don't need another cat! But he's so darned cute...

This little orange and white cat is wandering around in my front yard, and helped me carry out the trash. He walked back and forth with me, then when I sat on my steps he just sat beside me and hun out. He scratched at what was probably a flea, so I went in and got one of Jack's flea drops (Advantage) and put on him. You know, just in case. He can't live in my house, but he should at least not get fleas or ticks, right?

btw, my phone takes crazy pictures when used in conjunction with my Army-style green LED flashlight!



  • At 5/05/2007 4:00 PM , Blogger Lori H said...

    1) that looks like some top secret military camera picture night time thing

    2) that cat is CUTE even with a green tint. I think instead of a dog, you now have a new cat. You should name him Zero to stick with the theme.


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